Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gearbox Surprises Fans With Free Duke Nukem Content

So, I bought the Game of the Year Edition of Gearbox's excellent game, Borderlands,  some time ago and have been getting these e-mails about Duke Nukem First access for a while, thanks to a little voucher the game came with. So far they all have just been news, delivered first to the members of that little group of fans and then quickly dispersed through the normal Twitter and Facebook channels we have all come to know. No big deal, no big loss if you're not part of it, and nothing all too special thanks to how fast "exclusive" news bits travel across the internet. It gets around like a hungry, drunk whore let loose in a cock factory.

Well, now Gearbox has gone and done something really cool. Free DLC multiplayer content for all of us that are part of the first access membership! Check out the text from the e-mail I received below.
Hello First Access Member,
As the launch date for Duke Nukem Forever approaches, we would like to offer a heartfelt thanks to you, the true believers who have already placed your bet on Duke with your pre-order, or Borderlands Game of the Year purchase. As a sign of our appreciation, Gearbox Software and 2K Games are thrilled to present every First Access Club member who has registered as of today the very first Duke Nukem Forever multiplayer downloadable add-on for free!* Surprise! Thank you again for all of your support. We're almost there.
Hail to the King, Baby!
Gearbox Software and 2K Games
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