The game comes with three playing options: practice, solitaire and challenge. Practice gives you the chance to hone your skills before playing solo in solitaire mode or against a particular opponent in the challenge realm. The application works just like the handheld game; you shuffle your wheels, lock the formation and proceed to identify the words. There's six rounds the first of which utilizes three wheels. Each subsequent round adds one wheel. You get the opportunity to re-shuffle the wheels in between each round.

If you enjoy word games, Word Spin is an excellent buy. Why even think of buying the handheld version for $12.99 when you can get the virtual edition for just $1.99? They both provide the same experience and the iPhone version does the score keeping work for you. Word Spin is fun, but the fun is temperamental. The game requires patience. The longer I played, the more my patience thinned. Lack of longevity isn't a killer in Word Spin's case. It's addicting. Not addicting in that you can't put it down once you've begun playing, but addicting in that after you've had enough for now, the urge to play will creep up later.
Graphics/Presentation: B
Controls: A-
Fun: B
Value: B+
Overall Grade: B+