Sony Home Entertainment knows this and they have put together a fun site for us gore hounds called Horror Unleashed. To celebrate the launch of their online horror hotel, we're putting a little bit of a contest on. They have donated some "Baghead Masks" (from the film Baghead, of course) as well as some potentially life threatening Quarantine glow-sticks. Too win them, you have to do something very simple: come up with a good, original Halloween costume. Hell, you don't even have to dress up and get the job done this Halloween. Just write your idea down there in the comments. Be sure that whatever you use has a real e-mail address attached. We need to contact you if you've won!
We just want to see what insane, funny, disgusting, terrifying and original things you guys can come up with. We're tired of people dressing up like The Crow, and last year had way more Jokers than anyone ever needed. So give us your best idea, down there in the comments section, and as long as you're one of our favorite two costumes and live in the USA, you will get these little prize packages and a whole lot of admiration from millions of potential internet readers. Some might even ask and beg to be your friend, and who can't use more friends?
Get your ideas in the comments section by midnight of Wednesday, Oct. 27th 2009 and we'll let you know if you've won!
And of course, don't forget to visit www.horrorunleashed.com for all things HORROR!
Become a part of movie history and share it with your friends by using the "Poster Creator" picture upload application. (You could tell that wasn't Jenna Jameson's face up there at the top, right?)
Vote for your favorite Horror Unleashed titles - YOU DECIDE whether they're "Creepy" or "Campy!"
Also, browse the site for more contests and your chance to win a BOO-Ray player, PS3 and an HD TV! Yay!